
I started this blog as a space to explore my thoughts about God and share them with others.

I named this site after an old, small Bible that I bought in college. I always carried it with me so it didn't take long for the leather cover and binding to wear out. For some reason I can't remember, I decided to cover it in duct tape. It has gone through at least 3 rounds of re-taping and still serves me well.

I love theology, the study of God, but find that its practice can be too detached from the realities of life. The Bible wasn't meant to be some old tome studied in an ivory tower but a practical manual for the struggles, joys, and sorrows of life. The duct-tape Bible represents this practical Christianity to me. It goes through the harsh realities of life with me and wears the scars.

As Charles Spurgeon once said:

A Bible that is falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn't