Doing the right thing for the wrong reason

Often we use the worlds value system to motivate us to do God's work. It has the appearance of good but the heart of evil.

Doing the right thing for the wrong reason

Different Values

Jesus made it clear, through His life and through His teaching, that He lived by a different value system than the rest of the world even while doing some of the same activities.

An example of this was His approach to leadership. When He heard His followers arguing over who was the greatest He said:

The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them; and those who have authority over them are called ‘Benefactors.’ But it is not this way with you, but the one who is the greatest among you must become like the youngest, and the leader like the servant. For who is greater, the one who reclines at the table or the one who serves? Is it not the one who reclines at the table? But I am among you as the one who serves.
- Jesus (Luke 22:24-27)

He recognized the importance of leadership but taught and demonstrated that you should enter it looking to benefit others through service rather than to benefit from them through exploitation. This is just one of many instances where His value system clashed with the value system of this world that pervaded even His followers.

Transformed vs Conformed

I believe that Christianity is about transformation, not conformity. It isn't about changing my behaviors to match a certain lifestyle. It is about changing my heart to value things differently (which results in a different lifestyle). Paul told us:

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind...
- Paul (Romans 12:2)

We aren't to just take the worlds value system and let it motivate us to do Christian things. We need to renew our way of thinking and this will renew our ways of acting.


I was convicted by this concept when I passed on an opportunity to do something good for someone. Afterwards I felt bad about it and was frustrated with myself. Then the question came to mind, "why are you upset about it?" At first I was taken aback, thinking that it was obvious because it was something good.

After thinking about it I realized that what upset me was not that someone failed to benefit from me doing good for them but that I wasn't the kind of person I thought I was and that if other people knew that then they would think less of me. So pride rather than love.

As I look back over my life I see many ways that I've used the worlds value system to fuel God's work. The fuel feels more readily available and I can tend to think that the results are what matters. But the ends don't justify the means because the means change who is glorified. The christian life, defined as transformation not conformity, was never meant to be one that I could live on my own. I need God and when He is the one providing the fuel, the labor points people to Him, not me.


Consider what motivates you. Are you drawing on pride and fear or love and faith? Do you think of people as good christians because of their skills and discipline or because of their heart?